New in CADopia 21

New Commands

The following new commands are available in CADopia 21.

Drawing commands

InsertBase: Determines the insertion base point for the drawing.

Dimension commands

NewDimensionStyle: Creates a new dimension style from a specified dimension.

3D Modeling commands

OffsetEdges: Creates a new dimension style from a specified dimension.
ConvertEdges: Creates wireframe geometry from the edges of a specified 3D solid, surface, mesh, or region.

Security commands

SafetyOptions: Lets you control safety restrictions against malicious executable files.

Log file commands/p>

LogFileOn: Writes the contents of the command history to a log file (with .log extension).
LogFileOff: Closes the command history log file opened by the LogFileOn.

Utility commands

Commands: Displays the list of all commands.

New Features

The following new features are available in CADopia 21.

Data Extraction Wizard

The Data Extraction wizard lets you specify a set of entities or blocks and extract property and attribute information. You can display the result in a table on the drawing or save it in an external file that you can exchange with your colleagues. The ExtractData command opens the Data Extraction Wizard.

Associative Patterns

Entities within associative patterns retain their relationships. Associative patterns let you edit them in their entirety instead of changing the individual items in the pattern.
Pattern command: The Pattern command has been extended to allow you to create associative linear, circular, and path patterns.

Reshape non-associative hatches using grip points

If you disable the link between the hatch and the boundary, you can directly manipulate the shape of the hatch according to a new boundary configuration using the hatch grip points. Hovering over a grip point on a non-associative hatch entity displays a menu with edit options according to the specified type of grip point.

Lasso selection

Lets you select entities by sketching a lasso around entities.

Geometric center entity snap

Snaps to the centroid of a closed Polyline, planar 3D Polyline, Spline, Region, or planar face of a 3D Solid object.

Hatch Background Color/p>

The following options are new to the Additional Options dialog box:
LineColor: Determines the hatch line color.
BackGroundColor: Determines the hatch background color.

Predefined Layer group filters in Layers Manager palette

Reference: Groups all the Layers of externally reference drawings. The Reference filter is automatically created when attaching external references to the drawing.
Viewport Overrides: Groups all the Layers containing property overrides from the current layout viewport.
Reference Overrides: Groups all the Layer of externally referenced drawings containing layer property overrides.

Save Current Workspace

Saves the current workspace configuration as a new workspace. The option is available in the Workspace list, on the Quick Access Toolbar.

Reload References option in the status bar

The notification area of the status displays a balloon to indicate that an externally referenced drawing has changed and needs reloading. The options in the right-click menu let you update the references.

New shortcuts

Ctrl + Pg Up: Moves to the next working space (sheet or model).
Ctrl + Pg Down: Moves to the previous working space (sheet or model).
Ctrl + I: Toggles between absolute and relative coordinate during command execution

New settings

New settings available in the Options dialog box include the following.

Base Angle Guide display

You can display a guideline along the zero base angle according to the current CCS. (User Preferences > Drafting Options > Display > Polar guides)

Rendered entity smoothness

This option in the Options dialog box lets you specify the resolution of curved surfaces for rendering.

Heads-up display delay time

It lets you control the display of the Heads-Up toolbar when selecting entities.

Reload References option in the status bar

The notification area of the status displays a balloon to indicate that an externally referenced drawing has changed and needs reloading. The options in the right-click menu let you update the references.


Layers in .pdf files

Options dialog box: Use layers in PDF file (PDF v1.5) option lets you create layers in the PDF file according to the layers in the drawing.

Window print range

Window print range is highlighted in the graphics area.

Improved BatchPrint command

It allows you to group multiple drawings into a single PDF file.

Printer property settings

This lets you specify printer specific property settings to be reused for subsequent outputs. Thus, you can override settings of the printers installed on your computer. You can save the printer property settings in configuration files with a .pcx extension.

Custom paper sizes

Custom paper sizes are available for built-in printer (PDF, PNG, JPG, SVG, or DWF).

Printer property settings

This lets you specify printer specific property settings to be reused for subsequent outputs. Thus, you can override settings of the printers installed on your computer. You can save the printer property settings in configuration files with a .pcx extension.

New XtraTools commands


It allows you to specify the destination folder for drawing backup (.bak) files.

Modified features and commands


The Entity option lets you:
Display entity properties in text
Insert formula fields in table cells
Insert a Block placeholder field in a BlockAttribute


The RebuildField command is available in the annotations context menu.


Includes the following options:
Point option to define a reference angle. Specify two points to define an imaginary line that will be rotated to a new angle.


It allows you to create one copy or multiple copies of the specified entities.
The Pattern option of the Copy command lets you create a specified number of copies in a linear pattern. Two methods are available:

  • Create the number of copies at specified displacement, starting with a base point.
  • Create the number of copies evenly spaced between two specified points, in the specified direction using the Fit option.

  • Offset

    The Gap type option of the Offset command specifies the gap type to fill potential gaps in offset polylines


    The Status option lets you display the current values of all dimension system variables in the command window.


    The Type option lets you specify whether the lofted entity is a solid or a surface.


    The Bank option allows the entity to rotate along the specified sweep path.

    Layers Manager palette

    The Option button lets you access the Layer options in the Options dialog box.

    New System Variables

    ACADLSPASDOC: Determines whether to load the start.lsp Lisp file once at the start of a session with the software or each time when opening a drawing.
    ARRAYASSOCIATIVITY: Determines whether patterns of entities are created associative or non-associative.
    ARRAYTYPE: Determines the default array type for the Pattern dialog box.
    CROSSINGAREACOLOR: Specifies the color of the selection area during crossing selection.
    DIMTXTDIRECTION: Defines the reading direction of the dimension text.
    HEADUPTIME: Sets the delay time (in milliseconds) for the Heads-up toolbar display.
    LEGACYCODESEARCH: Determines whether the Start In and current drawing folders are included or excluded when searching for executable files.
    PRESELECTIONEFFECT: Specifies how preselected entities are indicated.
    SECURELOAD: Determines whether the software loads executable files depending on whether they are located in a trusted folder.
    SELECTIONAREA: Determines whether the selection areas indicated by a transparent or opaque color fill.
    SELECTIONAREAOPACITY: Specifies the current level of transparency of selection areas.
    SELECTIONEEFFECT: Specifies whether selected entities are indicated with dashed lines or with luminous lines.
    TRUSTEDPATHS: Specifies which folders are trusted to load and run executable files from them.
    WINDOWAREACOLOR: Specifies the color of the selection area during window selection.

    New in CADopia 19